Change In Principal Officer - Cik Nor Fadhilah Binti Mohd Ali

21 March 2017

Date of change 01 Apr 2017
Age 47
Gender Female
Nationality Malaysia
Type of change Appointment
Designation Others

1. Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) from International Islamic University

2. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, UK (ICSA)

Working experience and occupation

Cik Nor Fadhilah is currently the Financial Controller, Group Finance of TM, appointed on 16 August 2015. As TM's Financial Controller, she is responsible for, amongst others, business planning, financial management, strategic financial analysis and business performance reporting of TM Group. At the same time, she continues holding another portfolio, as the General Manager of Financial Advisory and Business Development, Group Strategy of TM, a position she held since April 2008. At Group Strategy, she is responsible for, amongst others, evaluating business opportunities for TM Group, both organic and inorganic opportunities.

She joined TM in August 1993 and has gathered more than 20 years of experience in strategy, corporate and strategic finance, mergers and acquisitions, corporate exercises and transformation, business development, financial management and business planning.

Cik Nor Fadhilah also had a stint working in the professional services firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers prior to joining TM.

Directorships in public companies and listed issuers (if any)


Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer


Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer


Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries

Holds direct interest in TM of 1,000 ordinary shares or 0.00003% of TM's issued and paid up capital.

Remarks :

Cik Nor Fadhilah shall be covering the duties of the Group Chief Financial Officer (Group CFO) pending the appointment of a new Group CFO.

Announcement Info

Stock Name TM
Date Announced 21 Mar 2017
Category Change in Principal Officer
Reference Number C04-20032017-00001