Change In Nomination Committee - Dato' Ibrahim Bin Marsidi

26 April 2017

Date of change 30 Apr 2017
Salutation DATO'
Age 64
Gender Male
Nationality Malaysia
Type of change Cessation Of Office
Designation Member of Nomination Committee
Directorate Independent and Non Executive
Composition of Nomination Committee(Name and Directorate of members after change)

TM has a combined Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC). The new membership of NRC shall be as follows:

1) YM Tunku Dato' Mahmood Fawzy bin Tunku Muhiyiddin (Independent Non-Executive Chairman/Senior Independent Director)

2) Datuk Zalekha binti Hassan (Independent Non-Executive Member)

3) YM Tunku Afwida binti Tunku Dato A.Malek (Independent Non-Executive Member)

4) Mr Balasingham a/l A. Namasiwayam (Independent Non-Executive Member)

5) Encik Nik Rizal Kamil bin Tan Sri Nik Ibrahim Kamil (Non-Independent Non-Executive Member)

Remarks :

1) The composition of the NRC is in compliance with Paragraph 15.08A (1) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad's Main Market Listing Requirements whereby it comprises exclusively of non-executive directors, with the majority of independent directors.

2) Pursuant to Clause of the Board of Directors' Charter, Dato' Ibrahim Marsidi shall cease to act as member of the Board NRC upon his resignation as Director of TM.

Announcement Info

Stock Name TM
Date Announced 26 Apr 2017
Category Change in Nomination Committee
Reference Number C08-24042017-00001