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Not for distribution in the United States of America
We refer to our announcements dated 10 December 2007 and 13 March 2008 in relation to the Proposed Option Scheme. On behalf of TM’s Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce that TM has implemented the Proposed Option Scheme today. Accordingly, TM has, today, issued 137,592,300 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in TM, representing approximately 4% of TM’s existing issued and paid-up share capital, to TM ESOS Management Sdn Bhd, which has been established to act as a trustee to acquire, hold and manage the TM shares and other related benefits under the Proposed Option Scheme. This announcement is dated 17 March 2008. This announcement is not an offer for sale of securities in any jurisdiction, including in the United States of America (“US”). Securities may not be offered or sold in the US absent registration or an exemption from registration under the US Securities Act 1933, as amended. None of TM, TM International or any seller of securities intends to register any portion of the offering in the US or to conduct a public offering of securities in the US.