General Meetings: Outcome Of Meeting

29 May 2019

Type of Meeting Annual General Meeting
Indicator Outcome of Meeting
Date of Meeting 29 May 2019
Time 10:00 AM

Kristal Hall, TM Convention Centre, Menara TM, Jalan Pantai Baharu, 50672 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Outcome of Meeting

The Board of Directors of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) is pleased to announce that the resolutions set out in the Notice of the 34thAnnual General Meeting (34thAGM) dated 25 April2019have been duly passed,except for the proposed Resolution 7, at the 34thAGM of TM held today.

Voting on the resolutions was carried out by way of poll in accordance with Paragraph 8.29A of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. The results were validated byBoardroom Corporate Services SdnBhd, the Independent Scrutineer appointed by TM.

Details of the validatedresults are set out in the attachment.

This announcement is dated 29 May2019.

Voting Results

Resolution Vote in favour Vote Against Results
No. of Shares % No. of Shares %

Resolution 1: Re-election of Rosli Man pursuant to Clause 106(2)

3,026,854,051 99.679300 9,739,544 0.320700 Carried

Resolution 2: Re-election of Dato' Asri Hamidin @ Hamidon pursuant to Clause 106(2)

3,035,732,584 99.958700 1,253,461 0.041300 Carried

Resolution 3: Re-election of Dr Farid Mohamed Sani pursuant to Clause 106(2)

2,921,509,259 98.446100 46,112,956 1.553900 Carried

Resolution 4: Re-election of Dato' Mohd Naim Daruwish pursuant to Clause 106(2)

3,035,735,854 99.958600 1,256,061 0.041400 Carried

Resolution 5: Re-election of Hisham Zainal Mokhtar pursuant to Clause 106(2)

3,023,801,926 99.565700 13,189,989 0.434300 Carried

Resolution 6: Re-election of Suhendran Sockanathan pursuant to Clause 106(2)

3,036,283,169 99.976700 708,746 0.023300 Carried

Resolution 7: Re-election of Gee Siew Yoong pursuant to Clause 112

281,440,388 9.267100 2,755,543,774 90.732900 Not Carried

Resolution 8: Payment of Directors' fees

3,013,072,904 99.212500 23,917,011 0.787500 Carried

Resolution 9: Payment of Benefits Payable to Non-Executive Chairman and Non-Executive Directors

3,036,887,807 99.996700 101,108 0.003300 Carried

Resolution 10: Re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT as Auditors of the Company and authorisation to Directors to determine their remuneration

3,018,384,996 99.387400 18,604,919 0.612600 Carried

Resolution 11: Renewal of Authority for Directors to Allot and Issue Shares under Section 75 of the Companies Act, 2016

2,163,546,005 71.239800 873,445,857 28.760200 Carried

Resolution 12: Renewal of Authority for Directors to Issue Shares in relation to the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme

3,036,979,782 99.999800 7,133 0.000200 Carried

Resolution 13: Proposed Renewal of Shareholders' Mandate

2,028,722,941 98.857600 23,443,208 1.142400 Carried

Resolution 14: Proposed Grant to Mohd Azizi Rosli pursuant to the LTIP

2,010,001,204 90.905200 201,094,282 9.094800 Carried

Please refer attachment below.

Announcement Info

Stock Name TM
Date Announced 29 May 2019
Category General Meeting
Reference Number GMA-24052019-00011


  1. TM_34th_AGM_-_Polling_Results.pdf (Size: 1,194,092 bytes)